Turning to the God father for redemption
This week's verses are the whole of Psalm 19:
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the sky displays his handiwork.
Day after day it speaks out;
night after night it reveals his greatness.
There is no actual speech or word,
nor is its voice literally heard.
Yet its voice echoes throughout the earth;
its words carry to the distant horizon.
In the sky he has pitched a tent for the sun.
Like a bridegroom it emerges from its chamber;
like a strong man it enjoys running its course.
It emerges from the distant horizon,
and goes from one end of the sky to the other;
nothing can escape its heat.
The law of the Lord is perfect
and preserves one’s life.
The rules set down by the Lord are reliable
and impart wisdom to the inexperienced.
The Lord’s precepts are fair
and make one joyful.
The Lord’s commands are pure
and give insight for life.
The commands to fear the Lord are right
and endure forever.
The judgments given by the Lord are trustworthy
and absolutely just.
They are of greater value than gold,
than even a great amount of pure gold;
they bring greater delight than honey,
than even the sweetest honey from a honeycomb.
Yes, your servant finds moral guidance there;
those who obey them receive a rich reward.
Who can know all his errors?
Please do not punish me for sins I am unaware of.
Moreover, keep me from committing flagrant sins;
do not allow such sins to control me.
Then I will be blameless,
and innocent of blatant rebellion.
May my words and my thoughts
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my sheltering rock and my redeemer.
In this psalm, we read about how great God's works are, and how much we are at his mercy.
The world is a testimony to God's greatness. It is designed in a way that is both beautiful and functional. It doesn't need any input from us. We can try to change parts of it, but nothing we do would improve it in any meaningful way.
If we look at something like the sun, for instance, it is clear that it is designed by someone far more advanced than we are. Are we really going to do anything to "fix" the sun? God is a good designer!
In the same way that God's expert design has created the universe, he has also given us guidelines on how to live. These guidelines were presented as a divine law, in the Old Testament. Because this law comes from God, it is perfect.
These guidelines for life are more valuable than gold. Would you rather be rich in hell, or poor in heaven? Would you rather have a safe full of gold, or be free from living under a curse?
God designed us and the universe we live in. It would only make sense that his rules for life would be the most effective and beneficial for us.
But even if we are aware of that and we try to obey, we fail. Most of us can't even follow simple instructions, let alone navigate the complexities of life; and that's not even getting into living in a way that is pleasing to God! We can't even know all of our faults
Luckily, God is our redeemer. In the era when the psalm was written, a family's redeemer was a kind of Godfather figure who provided protection and oversight.
So, in joining God's family, we are making ourselves accountable to The Godfather! He can make our problems disappear, but if we rebel there is going to be trouble!
If God's greatness is obvious enough that the universe shows it without having to say anything, and if we're unable to come up with solutions as good as the ones he designs, doesn't it make sense for us to turn to him for instruction and redemption and not try to sort everything out on our own?
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