
This week's study is on Matthew 5:13:

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

I traveled recently and had a container of salt come open in my luggage and get into everything. Things it came into contact with got weathered and dry, and it permeated all of the crevices of the bag. Nothing escaped its reach. It got me thinking about these verses, as salt is a pretty powerful thing.

Jesus calls us the salt of the earth. That's a heavy statement. You can't ignore salt or pretend it is something else. Have you ever put salt into something thinking it was sugar? It is undeniable.

But think about that statement. If Christians are added to something, they're going to affect it. Governments, businesses, communities, social groups and even individual relationships should all be affected by Christians being part of them. If they aren't, then what's the point? Does an ambassador go undercover?

We are the salt of the earth. Pray we reach who we need to reach and that our newly created nature will affect the crevices we are poured into.


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