Healing power
This week's study is on Luke 4:38-40:
These verses about healing are interesting. Jesus was hanging out with his friend Simon, and was asked to heal his mother in law's fever. We don't know what the fever was. It could have been the flu, or it could have been malaria for all we know. What we do know is that Jesus rebuked the fever and she was healed. In fact she was so healed that she began to wait on them. Think of the last time you had the flu and imagine waiting on guests. No thank you!
But think about this account of Simon's mother in law's healing for a minute. We don't blink because it was Jesus doing it, but imagine your doctor healing your bad case of mono by scolding the sickness. Wouldn't that seem strange to you? And yet that's exactly how Jesus healed Simon's mother in law, because the sickness was subject to his authority. He may as well have been clapping his hands to chase a cat out of the garden. The sickness didn't belong there and it needed to go.
It says later that they brought people with all kinds of sickness to Jesus and he healed them all. So it wasn't a one-time thing that he was able to drive a sickness out of someone, nor was it only one kind of sickness. No matter what they brought him, he drove it out and healed them.
So those are some interesting points to ponder when you consider that Jesus shared that authority with those who follow him. If faith can move mountains, it can also shoo away a sickness. And it doesn't have to be a slight improvement either. It can be total, as in the case of Simon's mother in law. She went from bedridden to full work capacity in moments when rescued by the power of God. God has final authority on all sickness, and he's shared all he has with us.
Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her. So he bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them.
At sunset, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them.
These verses about healing are interesting. Jesus was hanging out with his friend Simon, and was asked to heal his mother in law's fever. We don't know what the fever was. It could have been the flu, or it could have been malaria for all we know. What we do know is that Jesus rebuked the fever and she was healed. In fact she was so healed that she began to wait on them. Think of the last time you had the flu and imagine waiting on guests. No thank you!
But think about this account of Simon's mother in law's healing for a minute. We don't blink because it was Jesus doing it, but imagine your doctor healing your bad case of mono by scolding the sickness. Wouldn't that seem strange to you? And yet that's exactly how Jesus healed Simon's mother in law, because the sickness was subject to his authority. He may as well have been clapping his hands to chase a cat out of the garden. The sickness didn't belong there and it needed to go.
It says later that they brought people with all kinds of sickness to Jesus and he healed them all. So it wasn't a one-time thing that he was able to drive a sickness out of someone, nor was it only one kind of sickness. No matter what they brought him, he drove it out and healed them.
So those are some interesting points to ponder when you consider that Jesus shared that authority with those who follow him. If faith can move mountains, it can also shoo away a sickness. And it doesn't have to be a slight improvement either. It can be total, as in the case of Simon's mother in law. She went from bedridden to full work capacity in moments when rescued by the power of God. God has final authority on all sickness, and he's shared all he has with us.
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