Seeing the kingdom

This week's short Bible snack is on Luke 10:8-9:

“When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is offered to you. Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’

This is a tiny snapshot of evangelism, Jesus style. It's not too self-righteous to accept food, and it doesn't force itself on others. It just points people to paradise and encourages them make the journey.

I love Jesus' words: "The kingdom of God has come near to you." The kingdom of God is God's rule over our lives and over the world. Sicknesses get healed. People find the answers to their problems. It's a dose of heaven. It's in stark contrast to the kingdoms of the world, where people embezzle money, kill their competitors, rape the weak, and struggle to consolidate power.

Imagine being the person who just got healed. Medical science and folk wisdom in the world's kingdoms would tell you that what just happened is impossible. You're shocked and surprised, because you never had hope for something like that before. And the person, God's representative, tells you that you're close to being able to have this for yourself directly. The kingdom of God has come near to you. You can go straight to the source.

Or think of it like a physical kingdom. You live in a land ruled by dictators. Most of your labors go to supporting their extravagant lifestyle, while they torture and harass your family and friends for pleasure. It's a miserable existence, but it's all you've ever known. One day, a representative from another kingdom comes and offers you his protection for the day, and tells you about the land he comes from. As it turns out, the border is right at the edge of your village. If you go now, run down the faint path through the reeds, and slip past the vehicle gate, you can be there in twenty minutes! It's so close!

Imagine God's kingdom looming like a space ship, so close to you. In an instant, you can be saved if you cry out, free from evil you've always considered to be part of life. Why would you not take that opportunity?

I'm thankful the kingdom of God has come near to us. I'm thankful that it moves like a cloud to where we are. I'm thankful that God has such power and authority that we're instantly safe when we reach out to join it. It's one of the great mysteries of all time. When you see it, run to it (don't just walk) and be saved!


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